Vendeur: loveourprices2 ✉️ (100.104) 96.6%, Lieu où se trouve: Gloucester, GB, Lieu de livraison: FR, Numéro de l'objet: 375731006529 Shadows In Bronze: (Marco Didius Falco: book II): all is fair in love and war. Nor does the idyllic seaside location help matters with Helena. LOVE, DEATH AND POLITICS UNDER VESUVIUS. 'Couldn't put the book down' -- Reader review. 'My advice is BUY IT and READ IT as you will not regret it' -- Reader review. One of the Roman novels from the bestselling historical fiction Falco series Let multi-million copy bestselling author Lindsey Davis transport you back to 71 A.D. in this captivating mystery, full of political intrigue, twists, turns and romantic tension. Fans of S. J. Parris, Donna Leon, Steven Saylor, C. J. Sansom will not be disappointed... 'A tumultuous Ancient Rome with a delightful modern eye' -- Sunday Times 'Fast-moving, funny and full of atmosphere' -- Mail on Sunday 'An exciting and gripping mystery' -- ***** Reader review 'Couldn't put the book down' -- ***** Reader review 'Gripping right from the beginning' -- ***** Reader review 'Very addictive' -- ***** Reader review 'My advice is BUY IT and READ IT as you will not regret it' -- ***** Reader review ************************************************************************************* LOVE, DEATH AND POLITICS UNDER VESUVIUS Rome, AD 71- Against his better judgement, Marcus Didius Falco secretly disposes of a decayed corpse for the Emperor Vespasian, then heads for the beautiful Bay of Naples with his best friend Petronius. It's an opportunity to forget his doomed romance with the beautiful and bright Helena Justina. He conveniently forgets to mention to his companion that this will be no holiday - they have been sent to investigate the murderous members of a failed coup, now sunning themselves in luxurious villas and on fancy yachts. Nor does the idyllic seaside location help matters with Helena. The deeper he probes, the more it seems she is inextricably connected to the elite plotters, in ways that the smitten Falco cannot bear to contemplate ...
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Popularité - Shadows In Bronze: (Marco Didius Falco: book II): all is fair in love and war
0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 2 days for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 3 disponibles.
Prix - Shadows In Bronze: (Marco Didius Falco: book II): all is fair in love and war
Vendeur - Shadows In Bronze: (Marco Didius Falco: book II): all is fair in love and war
100.104+ articles vendu. 3.4% évaluations négative. Bon vendeur avec bonne rétroaction positive et bonne quantité de cotes.
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