10 Complications that May Arise After Breast Augmentation with Fillers (2025)

Around 300,000 breast augmentation injection filler treatment were carried out by ASPS Member Surgeons in 2022 alone, making it the most common cosmetic plastic surgery procedure. This long-lasting trend emphasizes the need for improved aesthetics while stressing the importance of awareness of potential hazards.

According to ASPS, Dr. Michael J. Stein and his colleagues have analyzed data to show significant practice patterns and approach changes over the past 16 years.

These observations highlight board-certified plastic surgeons' dedication to safety and best procedures. They also serve as a helpful reminder that no surgery is without risk. Knowing the potential hazards is essential for making educated decisions as breast augmentation with fillers becomes more popular.

Let's discover what lies beneath the beauty.

But first;

What Is Breast Augmentation Injection Filler?

10 Complications that May Arise After Breast Augmentation with Fillers (1)

In the past, breast augmentation was always coupled with implants and surgery, which came with a high risk of anesthesia-related complications, significant recovery time, and scars. However, with recent technology, we now have new opportunities for those looking for enhancement with less risk and less commitment through dermal fillers.

So, breast filler augmentation is a process to improve the size, shape, or contour of the breasts. This non-surgical treatment involves injecting dermal fillers—typically hyaluronic acid-based or other biocompatible substances—into the breasts.

This technique offers a less intrusive alternative to standard breast augmentation with implants, albeit the effects are usually transient and may need touch-ups. Those who are not ready to commit to surgery or who are searching for a mild enhancement frequently choose it.

Well, aestheticians frequently use hyaluronic acid-based fillers in breast augmentation injection filler procedures because they are known for seamlessly blending in with bodily tissues and giving the appearance of natural tissue.

But, it's essential to be aware of the possible dangers and side effects of breast filler injections, just like with any cosmetic surgery. So, learn to make informed decisions regarding your body and health and assist in setting reasonable expectations here.

10 Common Complications of Breast Augmentation Injection Filler

Here are ten potential issues that could occur following breast filler injections, giving you a thorough grasp of what to look out for and how to reduce these risks.

1.Infection: The Unwanted Guest

Any surgery that breaks the skin carries the danger of infection. Injectable breast fillers have a certain amount of risk, which can increase by improper sterilization of the injection site or noncompliance with post-procedure recommendations.

Redness, swelling, warmth, and discomfort at the injection site are signs of an infection. Preventing illness is crucial to ensuring that your aesthetician performs the treatment in a sterile setting and according to any aftercare recommendations. You may use antibiotics to treat the infection, but the doctor may remove the filler in more severe situations.

Studies suggest that the occurrence rate of infections following breast augmentation injection filler is about 0.08%, which is a reasonably low rate. When infections do happen, though, they might be minor or severe. A research case described a woman who experienced a severe illness two weeks after receiving an injection.

The infection worsened despite oral antibiotic treatment, requiring surgery to remove the infected tissue and filler material. This story emphasizes the importance of following sterile procedures and caring for yourself afterward.

2.Lumps and Irregularities: The Unexpected Bumps

The filler may be moving from its original location because your aesthetician didn’t disperse it uniformly, making lumps and abnormalities appear. These could show up as asymmetry in the breast tissue. Inadequate injection methods or the body's response to the filler material are two possible causes.

However, it doesn’t mean you have hit a dead end; your aesthetician can resolve these problems by massage to help redistribute the filler, more filler injections to smooth out the look, or, in certain situations, hyaluronidase enzyme dissolution of the filler.

In a particular case by Gland Surgery, a 45-year-old woman reported detectable lumps within six months of receiving a filler injection. Most of the time, the doctor will resolve with a light massage or add more filler to smooth out the affected area. More intrusive therapies may be necessary for chronic lumps.

3.Pain and Discomfort: The Persistent Problem

Some pain and discomfort are typical following breast augmentation injection filler; however, if they continue or get worse, it may indicate a potential problem. Although pain thresholds vary, it usually goes away after a few days to a week.

Some management techniques include using over-the-counter painkillers, applying cold compresses to minimize swelling, and adhering to your provider's aftercare recommendations. You should notify your healthcare practitioner right away if you experience severe or persistent pain.

4.Allergic Reactions: When Your Body Says No

Allergy responses to the ingredients in breast fillers are possible but uncommon. An allergic reaction can cause swelling, redness, itching, and, in extreme situations, breathing difficulties. If the filler material causes an adverse reaction in your body, allergies may result.

Antihistamines and steroids are used as treatments to lessen the reaction; in extreme situations, the filler may need to be dissolved and removed.

5.Migration of Filler

10 Complications that May Arise After Breast Augmentation with Fillers (2)

Once your aesthetician injects you, the filler will stay in place to provide the correct volume and form. Nevertheless, there are times when the filler spreads to other breast regions or even to different body parts. This may result in lumps, asymmetry, and an overall strange appearance.

To reduce this danger, it's crucial to adhere to all post-procedure instructions, such as refraining from physically demanding activities that can push out the filler. Corrective action in the event of migration could involve injecting more filler or dissolving the filler in the migrated area.

6.Necrosis: A Serious Concern

Unfortunately, blood flow to the breast tissue can be interrupted during the injection, and necrosis or tissue death may result. This is a dangerous condition that may necessitate surgery and cause substantial tissue damage.

Severe pain, skin color changes, and open sores are indicators of necrosis. If you believe there may be necrosis, you should get medical help immediately. Usually, doctors offer treatment that excises the afflicted tissue and may require reconstruction surgery.

7.Embolization: Rare but Dangerous Risk

When filler material gets into a blood vessel, it can embolize it and cause blockages that could result in significant health problems like stroke or pulmonary embolism. Despite being uncommon, this risk is a considerable worry.

Breathlessness, visual abnormalities, and acute pain are some of the symptoms. Securing appropriate injection procedures and selecting a highly skilled supplier is essential for prevention.

If embolization happens, prompt medical attention is necessary. This care may include surgery or medication to clear the obstruction.

8.Capsular Contracture: The Tightening Threat

A problem known as capsular contracture occurs when scar tissue firmly grows around the filler, stiffening the breast. This may result in pain, discomfort, and a change in breast form. Although the doctor mainly uses capsular contracture for breast implants, fillers can also cause it.

Massage, medicine, and, in extreme circumstances, surgery to remove the scar tissue are available forms of treatment. Early discovery and treatment are essential to effectively managing this condition.

9.Asymmetry: Uneven Outcomes

One of the critical objectives of breast augmentation injection filler is to achieve a symmetrical and attractive outcome. You can get unevenness between the breasts from a variety of factors, including your body's reaction, the injector's competence, and how the filler spreads.

But you do not need to worry much. Sometimes, your aestheticians can resolve the issue with more injections, but other treatments could be necessary. Talking with your provider about your expectations and heeding their advice can reduce this danger.

10.Granuloma Formation: The Lumpy Complication

Granulomas are little lumps the body's immune system may produce around the filler. After the injection, granulomas may appear weeks, months, or even years later. Treatment could be necessary to get rid of these lumps, which can be unpleasant.

Common symptoms you will experience are hard, possibly painful lumps in the breast tissues. One of the ways to lower or stop the formation is surgical granuloma excision.

Best Practices for Breast Augmentation with Fillers

10 Complications that May Arise After Breast Augmentation with Fillers (3)

Before you get yourself in danger of breast filler complications, here’s a cheat sheet to make it faultless for you.

Choose a Qualified Practitioner

The first and most crucial step is selecting a competent and board-certified surgeon. Always try to look at the reviews and seek other practitioners' opinions before posing for the stand.

Ask them how it is done, what types of fillers they utilize, and how the procedure is performed. You will also learn that medications that thin the blood vessels should not be taken before the procedure to prevent heavy bruising and bleeding.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

You should follow your practitioner’s advice on preoperative preparation and avoid food and drinks, medications and supplements, and activities that may aggravate bleeding and bruising. Provide all the necessary health histories, goals, and concerns for a smooth procedure.

Post-Procedure Care

After undergoing breast filler injections, simply adhere to all the aftercare procedures that were outlined to you. Some of the cautionary measures include avoiding exercises and other activities, using a bra with little support, and washing the areas where the injections are made frequently.

Some of the complications may not present such clear symptoms; however, regular follow-up visits will ensure that they are identified on time and, hence, treated.

Alternatives to Breast Filler Injections

If you feel breast filler injections are not what you would like to go for, don't beat your head up. We have many other non-invasive ways to help you buff up your breasts.

For instance, liposuction entails removing fat from different parts of the body. The doctor then transfers the fat to the breasts using the fat transfer method. While this procedure has a better result, it takes longer to recover. You may even require multiple procedures. But still, we have implant surgeries that offer a better and enduring change in breast size you can try.

You can also try beauty procedures that do not involve surgery. Topical treatments for busts and breast lifting exercises are available, and anyone comfortable with minor improvements can prefer them.

Recovery Process

The healing process for breast filler injections is easy, although one has to pay close attention to them. When using the above treatment method, you should expect some swelling, redness, and soreness shortly after the procedure.

Swelling, pain, redness, and warmth can be managed by using an ice pack and taking Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, among other things. One must also avoid rigorous activities and follow the after-treatment advice the healthcare provider gives. Communicate any issues to the clinician, such as lumps, persistent pain, or skin color changes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

10 Complications that May Arise After Breast Augmentation with Fillers (4)

1.What is the longevity of breast filler injections?

The length of the filler and other factors, such as metabolism and way of life, impact the life of filler injections. But generally, it ranges from six months to two years.

2.Are breast filler Injections Painful?

As local anesthesia is used most of the time, pain during the treatment is rarely an issue for patients. Some discomfort may be experienced the following days after the boosters, especially on weak muscles, and this may take about one week.

3.Can Breast Filler Injections be Reversed?

In some cases, Hyaluronidase can dissolve fillers based on the substance hyaluronic acid. This provides a measure of security for people who experience problems or are not satisfied with the results.

4.What are the most common side effects of Breast Filler Injections?

Lumps, pain, redness, edema, and sometimes bruising are some of the side effects commonly observed by the users of the injected solutions. This is usually because of the slight irrationality of the operations, and these symptoms are normally short-lived, lasting a few days to a week. Sometimes, people develop more complicated problems like infection or asymmetrical outcomes.

5.What Are Some Preparations Before Undergoing Breast Filler Injection?

In the days leading up to the injection, it is advised that one avoid any vitamins or medicine that thins the blood, such as aspirin or fish oil, for the treatment preparation.

Also, since smoking and alcohol can increase the risk of bruising and swelling, one is encouraged to avoid the two. But no worries, you will be given strict and specific pre-procedure directives to prepare you for the procedure in advance.

6.Does the administration of breast filler affect breastfeeding?

You should inform your practitioner if you are breastfeeding or planning to be one since breast filler injections might affect breastfeeding.


Although most women report excellent outcomes, it's essential to understand the hazards.Breast augmentation injection filleris not without its difficulties. Issues range from simple problems like infection and lumps to more severe complications like necrosis and embolization. Selecting a highly skilled and knowledgeable practitioner is crucial to reducing these dangers.

Also, remember that setting reasonable goals is essential. Although a breast filler injection can improve your appearance, it's crucial to realize that the results might not last forever.

If you are considering getting a breast filler injection, it is essential to speak with a healthcare provider who can evaluate the risks and needs specific to you. They can provide comprehensive details regarding the process, possible side effects, and other options.

By being well-informed and making deliberate decisions, you can improve the likelihood of having a favorable breast augmentation injection filler experience.

Choose Diaminy's Trusted Hyaluronic Acid Fillers for Your Breast Augmentation Needs!

Selecting the appropriate filler product is essential if you're thinking about getting a breast augmentation to reduce risks and guarantee the most significant outcomes. Professionals rely on Diaminy's superior hyaluronic acid fillers for their safety and efficacy.

Remember your aesthetic objectives and choose fillers that prioritize safety and effectiveness. Look at our selection of hyaluronic acid fillers now and confidently pursue the boost you want. To find out more and make a purchase, contact us now!

10 Complications that May Arise After Breast Augmentation with Fillers (2025)
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